Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tyra Will no Longer Light My Fire of Rage

I came to a realization today. If I rail against Tyra, or Nascar, or Deal or No Deal, they win. They elicit a response, negative or positive, and that's what they want to do. So after today I will ignore them. I mean, many people know of Oprah and Tyra and Geraldo, but nobody who can do anything actually watches those shows at two in the afternoon. Tyra wears a fat suit because she is catering to the people who watch her show, and people watch Deal or No Deal. Well, I don't know why people watch that instead of watching, say, the fungus on their feet grow. Perhaps I will come back to it in a few years. But no more for now. Goodbye Tyra. Goodbye NASCAR. Goodbye Deal or No Deal. I hate you all, but I am now at peace.

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